Season 2 of Arrow has concluded with a perfect 10-point bullseye. Leading into the already confirmed third season, there are some unknowns and changes on the way for our heroes. After the war with Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke and his army of Miracuru enhanced thugs, Starling City is in shambles and so is Oliver’s world. He has no money, no home and his family is destroyed after Moira’s murder and Thea running off.

arrow ensemble

What’s in store for season 3 is a complete mystery but we can’t wait to see what’s going to happen. At the end of this last episode, you see Sarah leaving with Nyssa and the League of Assassins. Before she leaves, Sarah gives Laurel her patent leather jacket, seemingly passing on the Black Canary’s legacy to her. Now Laurel hasn’t been too physical in the first two seasons, until the last few episodes, after it was revealed to her that Oliver was the Arrow. Will she take over the Black Canary persona? Will Sarah return to Starling? Only time will tell and we are excited to find out.


Roy has been relieved of his Miracuru induced strength and rage and given a red mask. Will he fully take the persona as Red Arrow aka Speedy? If what Thea found under his bed is any indication, then he certainly will. The red bow and quiver full of arrows, the red mask, his archery skills in this episode; all signs point to the fact that he will be dawning a red hood next season. And what will happen with Thea? She now knows that Malcolm Merlyn is her father and has left Starling City. She is off to find herself and prove that she is stronger then people think she is. Malcolm hinted that she is stronger then her brother in the fact that she actually shot him when given the chance, and Oliver couldn’t do it.

The Man Under the Hood

Now that Oliver has no money, how will he rebuild his home, and the Foundry? Almost swaying from his no killing policy, Oliver stuck to word and didn’t kill Slade or any of his army. As the finale` concluded, we saw Oliver locking Slade up in an underground prison, back on the Island. His companions/employees can’t be paid anymore, will the stick with him? Of course they will stick by him to defend the city, but will they find day jobs? Diggle is going to be a father next season at some point; will he leave the Arrow’s side to protect his own family? How does Oliver really feel about Felicity after saying that he loved her to draw in Slade? The look on Felicity’s face shows that she has real feelings for him, and we hope this is brought to the front in season 3.
slade and felicity

This season was full of surprises and amazing story lines. We cannot wait to see what season 3 brings this fall. So many questions surround the next season, including will Slade somehow escape Lian-Yu and make his way back to complete his promise to Oliver? Is Isabel Rochev aka the Ravager, Slade’s daughter and come back to avenge him? And what will Isabel do with Queen Consolidated? Only a few of the many questions that we all have about next season.


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